Saturday, 8 October 2011

Book review: A Feast for Crows

The fourth chapter of the epic fantasy series “A song of ice and fire”. The war of the five kings ended but the aftermath is still bloody and full of intrigue.
It’s 2011, “A dance with Dragons” the fifth book of the series has just came out, I can hear you asking “Why I’m reading the old one?”.
It basically boils down to two things, opportunity and time. See I’m human and so like everybody else I can get all hyped up by the next new shiny thing, be it a video game, a book or a movie, but some time ago I realized that this is silly. Sleeping in front of the shop to have the chance to pay full price for something is stupid, we are not talking about food, it will not get soured or bad after a while, and I’ll have the same experience as the guy who is holding it proudly while it’s still fresh from the press.
A lot of times passed between those books and there is a big movement among fans that want to see the end of the story as soon as possible. I don’t agree with them, I want to see the best possible story. I know that we are all worried that Martin pulls a Robert Jordan on us and dies before completing the series I still prefer the best possible ending to a shop list of all the plot points and their relevant endings.
On the other side is pretty obvious that tale has expanded enormously from the original plan, clearly all the political intrigue should have occupied much less space, but this is the nature of art, sometimes it start in a direction but then goes somewhere else on his own volition and till this remain such an interesting lecture it can take all the time in the world.
Talking about the book I can say that I greatly enjoyed it. Due to space constraint this contains only half of the characters, mainly it covers the south Westeros setting but this didn’t annoy me at all. Of course I missed Tyrion and Daenerys but a lot of interesting stuff was going on. Luckily Martin still manages to hold a thousand plots in mid air like a consummated jester.

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