Sunday, 30 August 2009

Movie review: Live!

This is certainly a high concept movie. We follow TV producer Eva Mendes who conceive a new show based on Russian roulette. She logically faces a lot of opposition in her bid to bring death to the TV audience.
To further complicate matters there is a documentary crew following her every move and the movie that we watch is the fictional documentary that they produced.
For such an interesting concept the movie is strangely bleak. Probably is the fake documentary gimmick but a movie with almost no soundtrack, with only one camera angle, no voiceover can be really strange. It is also largely devoid of rhythm.
Eva Mendes cares about the subject and probably produced the movie as a vehicle to finally show her artist prowess but alas she largely failed. She does a good job but her character is sadly unbelievable. Too determined in her quest to air Russian roulette, too oblivious to any moral objection she is a single character.
As a satire this feels flat compared to the recent and splendid efforts like “Thank you for smoking” and “Lord of war”.
The best bit is certainly the fake TV show. The final scene is honestly unnerving probably because we know that if it was legal a TV would certainly air a show like this one.

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