Previously subtitled “The kaboom of doom” this is the followup to the surprise hit of 2008. This movie is self explanatory, is a martial artist Panda. If you are already smiling at the idea go and see it…
Does this movie suffer from “Sequelitis syndrome” (Also known as the law of diminishing returns)?
Not at all. It’s a lovingly crafted movie, with visuals that are both very pretty and stimulating, good animations and of course more martial artists animals. There is not a lot that can be said about it.
What I think is interesting is the reason this is very good while other series (like for example Shrek) went rapidly downhill.
Kung Fu Panda is a concept. Like I said is like James Bond, the story is not really that important, the important part is the kick ass panda. Instead Shrek is a story, is how a recluse finally accepts the outside world and win the girl of his dreams. But when we start making sequels he has to lose everything so he can relive the same story again, and again, and again. We can see why it gets rapidly pathetic.
This is not to say that is impossible to screw up sequels of concepts (I’m looking at you pirates of the Caribbean!), just that a sequel fit them more naturally.
The boss of Dreamworks confirmed that there are other 4 movies planned for this franchise. I couldn’t approve more.
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